Wooden planks are the easiest, non-natural block to obtain during the beginning of a minecraft world. they function as both a material for structures, as well as a crafting ingredient. wooden planks can be created by putting a block or more of wood in the crafting grid (either a crafting table.... Wood is also an important fuel source. in minecraft, you can smelt 1.5 items per wood block on its own -- but a better approach is to either craft the wood block into four wood planks, allowing you to smelt six items, or smelt the wood block into charcoal, which can smelt eight.. Wood is a block that has the log's bark texture on six sides. it comes in 6 species: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, and dark oak. stripped wood is a variant obtained by right-clicking wood with any axe..
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Below is a list of both the id numbers (versions below 1.8) and id names (1.8 and higher). see our spawning items article for information on using the id's that are below. there are currently 726 block and item id's listed below.. How to make a birch wood plank in minecraft. minecraft datavalue (or damage value) identifies the variation of the block if more than one type exists for the minecraft id. platform is the platform that applies. version(s) is the minecraft version numbers that the minecraft id and name are valid for.. Minecraft ids list is the best place to find all blocks and items and search by name or id. we have more than 594 items ☆ updated 1.11 ☆.